Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Bang Bang Rock & Roll

Bang Bang Rock & Roll-Art Brut
Released: May 30, 2005 (UK) and 2006 (US)
Fierce Panda

The first songs I heard on the radio from this album made me laugh.  I thought it was pretty fun new punk rock and not overly serious.  Simple and even, at times, sweet--"Emily Kane" is about as sweet as they come.  I downloaded it from eMusic and hear songs pop up while the iPod or iTunes is on shuffle, but I'd never listened to it from start to finish.  Not once.  

I've now listened all the way through about five times and though the 15 songs in a row is beginning to grow on me, I still prefer to hear them at random, mixed among other songs.  It's just too much the same--it's punk rock with a sense of humor, and not very complex.  This is part of the charm of the band, of the album.  I wouldn't want it any differently, but even nonstop Ramones can be a little much without some kind of a break; and I adore the Ramones, truly.  (Have I just committed blasphemy?)  Still and all, super fun songs and I wouldn't get rid of the album.  "My Little Brother" is a reminder of my little brother, not because he went through a hoity-toity rock & roll phase in his early 20's, but from the first time I heard the song I just pictured Jess.  (Remember when you "borrowed" my U2 tapes, little brother?)  

Eddie Argos, frontman of the band, has a knack for declarative statements and my favorite by far is from "Good Weekend": "I've seen her naked, TWICE!  I've seen her naked, TWICE!"  It's the caesura (two beat pause the second time) between "naked" and "twice", combined with the emphasis of "twice" that never fails to bring a smile to my lips. (I was going to say exclamation of "twice" and then I realized that most of the songs are mostly sung with capitol letters and exclamation points...)  He's so bloody excited while being totally floored by the experience; as if he can't believe it happened to him.  There's a word for this, and it completely escapes me...

I enjoy the easy narrative that accompanies the songs, but wish for a little more elaboration, once in a while.  "Fight" is one of those songs... it doesn't seem to go anywhere, lyrics-wise, and maybe that's the point.  Fighting doesn't tend to get you anywhere, either--though I might be giving too much credit to the writer OR over thinking the lack of lyrics.  Hmmm... that's kind of the same thing.  Also, I will plead ignorance as to why the song "These Animal Menswe@r" is called that.  I just haven't been able to get it.  Regardless, I think that Art Brut was a refreshing band to bust out of the indie music scene back in 2005.  Something totally different than what was happening and what had been happening.  The band provides a good chuckle with some bouncy punk guitar and a respite from introspective, moody tunes--tunes that will always have a special place in my music lovin' heart.


Anonymous said...

These Animal Men & Menswe@r were 2 lesser known britpop bands from the early 90s. The title is simply a play on words.

Linnet said...

thanks, anonymous! that's very helpful and i'll have to check them out. cheers!