Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I Guess I DO Care

I just sent the draft of my grad school personal statement to some folks. As soon as I hit "send", I was gripped with the fear that it is really a terrible essay and that I'll have to scrap the whole thing and start all over. It only took me a month to write this one. Of course, that is not to say that I worked on it every day. No, probably a week, all told. Whatever, it was hard to do. I realize that I've never written that kind of essay. Undergrad was, MAYBE, a paragraph of why they should accept me, and it was a state school anyway. So I think they would have taken me even if I'd written nothing besides my name. I didn't want to write the essay to get into the honors college, I am. Extolling my virtues, the ones I assume I possess, and hoping that I'm as clever as I think I am. Wish me luck.

This whole grad school thing is suddenly feeling more and more real and important. I've gotten two of the three letters in my possession. (I'll have the third, I just have to make a phone call.) My essay is in a finished draft form and sent to others to critique. I need $400 extra in my bank account for the application fees, which I'll be getting this week. And then, I'll finish up those on line applications before mailing the letters, etc. Oh, and my transcripts. Gotta get those. (Welcome to my checklist. Sorry to bore you...) What if I don't get in? I think, how sad. I think, how embarrassing. I think, crap.

Let me not think on it, until I have to.


Stine said...

Dude, I had no idea about the grad school thing. How exciting. I'm sending good schooly energy your way.

Linnet said...

thank you! i hope to be one of those librarians who takes off her glasses after work and heads over to the theatre to don her lady macbeth claws...