Thursday, August 03, 2006

Day One

For the next few weeks, I am to go off of caffeine, dairy and wheat. I am trying to ease the angry skin on my face. Rosacea, it is called. Somedays you'd hardly notice it, and others my cheeks are so red and enflamed that I can't believe people don't turn away in horror. Well, according to those around me, it is not as bad as I think it is. Still, it is that bad, and worse, in my head. So, I have started acupuncture. Never done it before. Along with the needles, I get some Chinese herbs. While taking these herbs, I am to refrain from endulging in the three types of food that I like best. Coffee is a type of food, yes?

Today is day one. Let's just say that I am having trouble typing. I look like someone punched me in the eyes--though, to be fair, that could be attributed to my late night movie watching and early morning rising. Regardless, I am experiencing the painful withdrawls of caffeine and it ain't purty. Plus, someone's LOUD cell phone ring just went off and I am at the LIBRARY! She is at the table behind me. And she is TALKING on her phone! Excuse me, where are the librarians with the big "SHHHHHH", glowering above her with finger to lips? I want some coffee.

Does decaf count? Part of loving coffee is the taste, the smell, the feel of the warm cup in my hands. It is comfort. It is relaxation.

I am dull. Heavy. Green tea does not cut it.

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