Saturday, September 23, 2006

Is She or Isn't She?

Once in a while, where I work, we get a customer who goes through the store picking out items that they are going to buy "tomorrow".

"Please put this on hold for me, I'll be back tomorrow."
"Of course. What's your name?"

There is one woman who does this about every six months. I know she isn't going to be back tomorrow, or for another six months probably. It's no bother to say yes and put the suit, or dress, or hat, or shoes in the closet and take them out the next day.

Today, a woman came in at 6pm--we close at 6. A few stragglers were just leaving and she was walking in and, well, what are you going to do? If the door had been locked and she stood outside it, I wouldn't have let her in. But, well, the door was open. She had a very hyper energy, and if I knew what people on speed or coke or whatever were like, I might have compared her to one of those drugs. However, I am naive in that department, so I'm stuck with hyper. Like a squirrel gathering nuts. First thing she said was "I love this hat. How much is it?" "$975". "That's cheap! I love hats. I'll pay anything for a hat. My husband's going to buy that Halston for me, tomorrow, but I might get the hat." And then she's on to a designer skirt and a 60's suit. (A suit that I covet and was hoping to borrow for a wedding, next month.) It was the way she said "tomorrow", however, that pricked my ears. She was talking so fast and kept dropping names of designer collections that she had bought this fall season. The whole line of YSL suits, "you know, with the pencil skirts" and then she went into this mile a minute explanation about how she'd just spent $35,000 in shoes, boots primarily. "You know Hermes boots, this year? Well, they can't import kangaroo leather into the United States anymore, so I had to fly overseas to buy the boots I wanted. They'll go perfectly with that suit." She then squealed, no kidding, and HUGGED me. I'm suspicious of too much information in the name dropping realm. And I'm REALLY put on my guard when total strangers hug me. Even if they are in my shop and excited about a 1960's grey pinstrip Jacques Heim suit with large grey and pink swirly buttons. It's just plain weird. So, yes, I put the suit on hold for her. She'll be back Sunday, she just lives around the corner by Etta's, blah, blah, blah. Alright. See you tomorrow.

The question is this: Is this woman manic? Crazy? A pathological liar? Or is she for real? Well, obviously she is for real. She can be really crazy, really manic, a real big liar or really legit in her intention to come back and purchase the Halston, the suit, the hat and any number of other items. I am looking forward to seeing whether or not she comes back tomorrow, or any day. It's not that I doubt the money. I work in a place where we can't possibly judge whether or not a person has the means to buy the items in our shop. I don't want to get into that kind of sizing up, anyway. It's not fun and it's un kind. We don't even care if people can afford the store, or not. None of us that work there can. The point is not whether or not she can afford the clothes, it is whether or not she is cuckoo for cocoa puffs, or what. I just wanna know. She was wearing a wedding ring, which also made me wonder. If she is a bit screwy, what must that be like in the marriage? Does he know? Is this like one of those stories where the husband is slowly watching the mental demise of his beloved wife and is powerless to stop it. She won't take her meds, or forgot them, or hasn't been prescribed them yet? Not exactly like "A Beautiful Mind", but that idea. Very curious...

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